The following bytes were arranged on 4 Apr 2012 by Rob Kendrick : > On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 03:53:50PM +0100, dave higton wrote: > > Quoting Martin Bazley <>: > > > > > Therefore, would the NetSurf developers be willing to have the "Seems > > > OK" replaced with the ARMv7 OK sprite, signifying (to quote the wiki's > > > definition) "works OK, involvement of author(s), willingness to address > > > further issues as they arise"? (Tinct issues notwithstanding.) > > > > It's a community thing. You have as much right as anyone else to > > alter it. Just do it! > > Indeed. It is not our intention for NetSurf to crash (any more often) > on ARMv7 systems, but to the best of my knowledge, none of the > developers have access to such hardware running RISC OS. > > As such, my opinion is for you to do as Dave suggests.
Now done. -- __<^>__ === RISC OS is a work of art. Some people adore it, === / _ _ \ === others can't see the point of it, and it's really === ( ( |_| ) ) === expensive. === \_> <_/ ======================= Martin Bazley ===================