On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 03:53:50PM +0100, dave higton wrote:
> Quoting Martin Bazley <martin.baz...@blueyonder.co.uk>:
> > Therefore, would the NetSurf developers be willing to have the "Seems
> > OK" replaced with the ARMv7 OK sprite, signifying (to quote the wiki's
> > definition) "works OK, involvement of author(s), willingness to address
> > further issues as they arise"?  (Tinct issues notwithstanding.)
> It's a community thing.  You have as much right as anyone else to
> alter it.  Just do it!

Indeed.  It is not our intention for NetSurf to crash (any more often)
on ARMv7 systems, but to the best of my knowledge, none of the
developers have access to such hardware running RISC OS.

As such, my opinion is for you to do as Dave suggests.


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