Quoting Martin Bazley <martin.baz...@blueyonder.co.uk>:

> I'm trying to get around to migrating my Internet setup from an Iyonix
> to an ARMini, as part of which I've been trying to make sure it'll all
> still work.
> Now, I know perfectly well that RISC OS NetSurf is ARMv7 compatible, as
> I use a recent development version on such a system on a regular basis
> without crashes (well, no more crashes than the general average).  But
> it comes as quite a surprise to learn that the RISC OS Open
> compatibility guide
> <http://www.riscosopen.org/wiki/documentation/show/ARMv7%20software%20compatibility%20list>
> is so ill-maintained that NetSurf, an extremely common piece of
> software, is listed as "Seems OK" for version 2.6!
> Therefore, would the NetSurf developers be willing to have the "Seems
> OK" replaced with the ARMv7 OK sprite, signifying (to quote the wiki's
> definition) "works OK, involvement of author(s), willingness to address
> further issues as they arise"?  (Tinct issues notwithstanding.)

It's a community thing.  You have as much right as anyone else to
alter it.  Just do it!


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