On 23 May 2011, cj <ch...@chris-johnson.org.uk> wrote:
> In article <177ee0d751.old_coaster@old_coaster.yahoo.co.uk>,
>    Tony Moore <old_coas...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > Using NetSurf, the website times-out (but the rest of the net seems
> > to work normally). wget also fails
> >    wget: unable to resolve host address `www.netsurf-browser.org'
> > Does anyone else see a problem?
> I have had some failures to resolve host address with Netsurf
> recently. I am not sure whether it is Netsurf specific, but the
> failures cease when Netsurf is restarted. Since the urls are
> different, it is difficult to make a repeatable test case.
At the moment, here, the problem is repeatable, when using NetSurf on
RO4.39 or RO6.20. It apparently affects only www.netsurf-browser.org ,
and remains the same after re-starting NetSurf. However since wget is
also affected, it seems that NetSurf may not be the culprit.


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