In recent NS builds (past several months) I've noticed a change in behaviour when logging in to our company bug tracking system. At one time I could go through the Login page and from then on I would be able to access the whole bug tracking database through its web UI. At some point that changed so that now, a) if I go through the normal Login process it fails to accept my credentials; b) I have found that by going through an alternative URL that throws up the Login page it results in success; c) even though I've logged in, when I open a new NS window by clicking on a link that should open a bug report (e.g. http://jira/browse/XXX-nnn), it tells me I'm not logged in; d) if I enter the same URL as in c) above into the window that was opened as per b) above, then it displays the page without any trouble.
On the face of it, this looks like the cookie-stored login status is associated only with the window that was used for successful login. Is this expected? Do other people see similar behaviour? Should I file a bug report? I'm currently using the 2.7 release on VRPC-SA but this affects earlier releases and development builds. -- Mike Hobbs