On 23 Jul 2010 Michael Drake  wrote:

> In article <1271453b51.r...@user.minijem.plus.com>,
>    Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:

>> NetSurf has always been liable to keel over if you scroll while it is
>> loading a page. This may be content related - my sites are generally
>> OK but I am very wary of scrolling with the scroll wheel or scroll
>> bars, or resizing the window, while a page is loading.

> Really?  I do these things routinely.

> A crash log for such an incident would be helpful.

I generally do post the log if it pops up. If I have to reset the 
computer than I'll probably forget to dig it out before running 
NetSurf again. The bug will usually be reported as a segmentation 
fault or abort as appropriate.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
Confidentiality statement: Imagine 50 lines of pointless verbiage.

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