On 11 Aug 2010  Grahame Parish <maillist.par...@millers-way.net> 


> Seems I'm constantly updating my own thread...

> Somewhere between r10684 and r10687 the problem has gone away.  I've
> browsed a dozen or more sites this evening since upgrading this
> afternoon, many with long pages, and no instances of scroll wheel
> initiated hangs!  It's now fully responsive all the time.  I'll keep
> trying, but it looks like it may have 'gone away' or been fixed.  Can
> someone else who has experienced the problem give it a try as well?
> Not sure how to update or close the bug report.

Yes, confirmed that scrolling seems to be normal here again; also, the 
frequent hard disc access reported by others seems not to happen now. 
Are these related?


With best wishes,


Peter, \  /      zfc Lu       \     Prestbury, Cheltenham,  Glos. GL52
Anne    \/ __            __    \                              England.
and     / /  \ | | |\ | /  _    \      http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family /  \__/ \_/ | \| \__/     \______________ pnyo...@ormail.co.uk

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