In message <>
          Michael Drake <> wrote:

> In article <>,
>    Dr Peter Young <> wrote:

>> Yes, same OS, build 10654 but without !HID (I could never get my head
>> around this). Slightly different here, though; the first page visited
>> gives only a slight delay, less than a second. With subsequent pages
>> the delay gets worse, up to the 30 seconds or so, with Organizer's
>> clock hanging, on about the fourth page.

> Do you still get the scroll delays while NetSurf is not fetching anything?

I usually wait for the load to complete before scrolling.  I've 
noticed that testing so far with 10654 the hangs are down to a few 
seconds for each scroll attempt. Most of my testing has been on the 
ROOL site and the NetSurf latest 
test builds page (I use !RiscPkg to update, but I read the test builds 
page to see if there's been anything new that affects the RISC OS 
version).  I use use the default window size initially, but often 
maximise the window if there's more than a small amount to read up.  
NetSurf is generally running for days at a time except when updating 
it and the Iyonix runs 24/7.

>> I've just reverted to 10649, where this doesn't happen. Odd! Will you
>> file a bug report?

> The changes between these revisions was to add a lot of extra fetch and
> cache logging.  We've had bug reports of crashes in the fetch layer, which
> we've been unable to diagnose and fix. (e.g. the recent "NetSurf failure
> on a BBC site" thread.)  The additional logging has been added in the hope
> that someone can report the same bug, this time with far more
> comprehensive information in the log file.

I've not experienced the reported failures, and since the layout was 
fixed on the new BBC news site I've had no problems there at all.


Grahame Parish

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