On 11 Feb 2009 Michael Bell wrote:

> Maybe I should mention that I renamed my old !NetSurf to !NetSurfOld
> to get it out of the way, as I think I ought to. I don't know if
> that's relevant.

That's what I do, or more accurately I rename it to !NetSurfmmdd where 
mmdd is the release month and date. I keep the last three releases 
that I download unless two are on the same day. That only happens if 
there's a new bug that needs to be fixed urgently.

Normally you don't need to go through the !Boot merge steps - just 
drag the app to your NetSurf or Internet directory. If any modules get 
updated I'm sure the !Run file will RMEnsure the new versions so 
you'll soon find out.

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
Disclaimer: Please imagine about 50 lines of pointless clutter.

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