Forgive me, a newbie, for asking innocent questions. I hope I also 
hope it makes you see how it looks to an innocent.

I am running !NetSurf r5792. It has its problems, particularly 
overwriting, much discussed on this group, and now that that problem 
seems to be sorted, I though it time to download the latest version.

So, I went to the NetSurf main window


and went to "Download Latest NetSurf" getting to

I went to RISC OS and got to

I went to "test builds" and got

and I downloaded "NetSurf for RISC OS 11 Feb 2009 00:30

and saved the downloaded the ZIP file into a temp directory, and 
unzipped it and saved the results into the same directory.

Read "ReadMe" It says :-

"Installation is a three step process:

   1.  Use the Boot Merge facility provided by Configure to merge
       the supplied !Boot directory with the one on your system.

       If there is no !Boot merge facility on your system, simply
       drag the supplied !Boot over your existing boot structure."

I am not sure what a "!Boot merge facility" looks like, so I dragged 
the supplied !Boot over my existing boot icon.

It seemed to be saving to the existing Boot, but then I got an error 

"Error when writing ...$.!Boot.Resources.!Unicode.!Boot  This item is 
locked to stop changes being made to it"

What to do?

Michael Bell


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