Add a test of BPF offload control path interfaces based on
just-added netdevsim driver.  Perform various checks of both
the stack and the expected driver behaviour.

Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <>
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile        |   5 +-
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/sample_ret0.c   |   8 +
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/ | 634 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 645 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/sample_ret0.c
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile 
index 333a48655ee0..2c9d8c63c6fa 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ TEST_GEN_PROGS = test_verifier test_tag test_maps 
test_lru_map test_lpm_map test
 TEST_GEN_FILES = test_pkt_access.o test_xdp.o test_l4lb.o test_tcp_estats.o 
test_obj_id.o \
        test_pkt_md_access.o test_xdp_redirect.o test_xdp_meta.o 
sockmap_parse_prog.o     \
-       sockmap_verdict_prog.o dev_cgroup.o
+       sockmap_verdict_prog.o dev_cgroup.o sample_ret0.o
 include ../
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/sample_ret0.c 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..62b071426a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/sample_ret0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause) */
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 Netronome Systems, Inc. */
+/* Sample program which should always load for testing control paths. */
+int func()
+       return 0;
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/ 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ceb18958fc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Netronome Systems, Inc.
+# This software is dual licensed under the GNU General License Version 2,
+# June 1991 as shown in the file COPYING in the top-level directory of this
+# source tree or the BSD 2-Clause License provided below.  You have the
+# option to license this software under the complete terms of either license.
+# The BSD 2-Clause License:
+#     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+#     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+#     conditions are met:
+#      1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+#         copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#         disclaimer.
+#      2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#         copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#         disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+#         provided with the distribution.
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+import pprint
+import subprocess
+import time
+logfile = None
+log_level = 1
+bpf_test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
+devs = [] # devices we created for clean up
+files = [] # files to be removed
+def skip(cond, msg):
+    if not cond:
+        return
+    print("SKIP: " + msg)
+    os.sys.exit(0)
+def fail(cond, msg):
+    if not cond:
+        return
+    print("FAIL: " + msg)
+    os.sys.exit(1)
+def start_test(msg):
+    global log_level
+    # Reset the log level in case other test was running
+    log_level = 1
+    log(msg, "")
+    log_level = 2
+    print(msg)
+def log_get_sec(level=0):
+    return "*" * (log_level + level)
+def log_level_inc(add=1):
+    global log_level
+    log_level += add
+def log_level_dec(sub=1):
+    global log_level
+    log_level -= sub
+def log(header, data):
+    """
+    Output to an optional log.
+    """
+    if logfile is None:
+        return
+    if not isinstance(data, str):
+        data = pp.pformat(data)
+    if len(header):
+        logfile.write("\n" + log_get_sec() + " ")
+        logfile.write(header)
+    if len(header) and len(data.strip()):
+        logfile.write("\n")
+    logfile.write(data)
+def cmd(cmd, shell=True, include_stderr=False, background=False, fail=False):
+    """
+    Run a command in subprocess and return tuple of (retval, stdout);
+    optionally return stderr as well as third value.
+    """
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    if background:
+        log("BKG " + proc.args, "")
+        return proc
+    return cmd_result(proc, include_stderr=include_stderr, fail=fail)
+def cmd_result(proc, include_stderr=False, fail=False):
+    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
+    stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
+    stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
+    proc.stdout.close()
+    proc.stderr.close()
+    sec = log_get_sec(1)
+    log("CMD " + proc.args, "retcode: %d\n%s stdout:\n%s%s stderr:\n%s" %
+        (proc.returncode, sec, stdout, sec, stderr))
+    if proc.returncode != 0 and fail:
+        if len(stderr) > 0 and stderr[-1] == "\n":
+            stderr = stderr[:-1]
+        raise Exception("Command failed: %s\n%s" % (proc.args, stderr))
+    if include_stderr:
+        return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr
+    else:
+        return proc.returncode, stdout
+def rm(f):
+    cmd("rm -f %s" % (f))
+    if f in files:
+        files.remove(f)
+def tool(name, args, flags, JSON=True, fail=True):
+    params = ""
+    if JSON:
+        params += "%s " % (flags["json"])
+    ret, out = cmd(name + " " + params + args, fail=fail)
+    if JSON and len(out.strip()) != 0:
+        return ret, json.loads(out)
+    else:
+        return ret, out
+def bpftool(args, JSON=True, fail=True):
+    return tool("bpftool", args, {"json":"-p"}, JSON=JSON, fail=fail)
+def bpftool_prog_list(expected=None):
+    _, progs = bpftool("prog show", JSON=True, fail=True)
+    if expected is not None:
+        if len(progs) != expected:
+            fail(True, "%d BPF programs loaded, expected %d" %
+                 (len(progs), expected))
+    return progs
+def ip(args, force=False, JSON=True, fail=True):
+    if force:
+        args = "-force " + args
+    return tool("ip", args, {"json":"-j"}, JSON=JSON, fail=fail)
+def tc(args, JSON=True, fail=True):
+    return tool("tc", args, {"json":"-p"}, JSON=JSON, fail=fail)
+def ethtool(dev, opt, args, fail=True):
+    return cmd("ethtool %s %s %s" % (opt, dev["ifname"], args), fail=fail)
+def bpf_obj(name, sec=".text", path=bpf_test_dir,):
+    return "obj %s sec %s" % (os.path.join(path, name), sec)
+def bpf_pinned(name):
+    return "pinned %s" % (name)
+def bpf_bytecode(bytecode):
+    return "bytecode %s" % (bytecode)
+class DebugfsDir:
+    """
+    Class for accessing DebugFS directories as a dictionary.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self.path = path
+        self._dict = self._debugfs_dir_read(path)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._dict.keys())
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if type(key) is int:
+            key = list(self._dict.keys())[key]
+        return self._dict[key]
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        log("DebugFS set %s = %s" % (key, value), "")
+        log_level_inc()
+        cmd("echo '%s' > %s/%s" % (value, self.path, key))
+        log_level_dec()
+        self._dict[key] = value
+    def _debugfs_dir_read(self, path):
+        dfs = {}
+        log("DebugFS state for %s" % (path), "")
+        log_level_inc(add=2)
+        _, out = cmd('ls ' + path)
+        for f in out.split():
+            p = os.path.join(path, f)
+            if os.path.isfile(p):
+                _, out = cmd('cat %s/%s' % (path, f))
+                dfs[f] = out.strip()
+            elif os.path.isdir(p):
+                dfs[f] = DebugfsDir(p)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("%s is neither file nor directory" % (p))
+        log_level_dec()
+        log("DebugFS state", dfs)
+        log_level_dec()
+        return dfs
+class NetdevSim:
+    """
+    Class for netdevsim netdevice and its attributes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+ = self._netdevsim_create()
+        devs.append(self)
+        self.dfs_dir = '/sys/kernel/debug/netdevsim/%s' % (['ifname'])
+        self.dfs_refresh()
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return[key]
+    def _netdevsim_create(self):
+        _, old  = ip("link show")
+        ip("link add sim%d type netdevsim")
+        _, new  = ip("link show")
+        for dev in new:
+            f = filter(lambda x: x["ifname"] == dev["ifname"], old)
+            if len(list(f)) == 0:
+                return dev
+        raise Exception("failed to create netdevsim device")
+    def remove(self):
+        devs.remove(self)
+        ip("link del dev %s" % (["ifname"]))
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+    def dfs_refresh(self):
+        self.dfs = DebugfsDir(self.dfs_dir)
+        return self.dfs
+    def dfs_get_bound_progs(self, expected):
+        progs = DebugfsDir(os.path.join(self.dfs_dir, "bpf_bound_progs"))
+        if expected is not None:
+            if len(progs) != expected:
+                fail(True, "%d BPF programs bound, expected %d" %
+                     (len(progs), expected))
+        return progs
+    def set_mtu(self, mtu, fail=True):
+        return ip("link set dev %s mtu %d" % (["ifname"], mtu),
+                  fail=fail)
+    def set_xdp(self, bpf, mode, force=False, fail=True):
+        return ip("link set dev %s xdp%s %s" % (["ifname"], mode, bpf),
+                  force=force, fail=fail)
+    def unset_xdp(self, mode, force=False, fail=True):
+        return ip("link set dev %s xdp%s off" % (["ifname"], mode),
+                  force=force, fail=fail)
+    def ip_link_show(self, xdp):
+        _, link = ip("link show dev %s" % (self['ifname']))
+        if len(link) > 1:
+            raise Exception("Multiple objects on ip link show")
+        if len(link) < 1:
+            return {}
+        fail(xdp != "xdp" in link,
+             "XDP program not reporting in iplink (reported %s, expected %s)" %
+             ("xdp" in link, xdp))
+        return link[0]
+    def tc_add_ingress(self):
+        tc("qdisc add dev %s ingress" % (self['ifname']))
+    def tc_del_ingress(self):
+        tc("qdisc del dev %s ingress" % (self['ifname']))
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+    def tc_flush_filters(self):
+        self.tc_del_ingress()
+        self.tc_add_ingress()
+    def tc_show_ingress(self, expected=None):
+        # No JSON support, oh well...
+        flags = ["skip_sw", "skip_hw", "in_hw"]
+        named = ["protocol", "pref", "chain", "handle", "id", "tag"]
+        args = "-s filter show dev %s ingress" % (self['ifname'])
+        _, out = tc(args, JSON=False)
+        filters = []
+        lines = out.split('\n')
+        for line in lines:
+            words = line.split()
+            if "handle" not in words:
+                continue
+            fltr = {}
+            for flag in flags:
+                fltr[flag] = flag in words
+            for name in named:
+                try:
+                    idx = words.index(name)
+                    fltr[name] = words[idx + 1]
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+            filters.append(fltr)
+        if expected is not None:
+            fail(len(filters) != expected,
+                 "%d ingress filters loaded, expected %d" %
+                 (len(filters), expected))
+        return filters
+    def cls_bpf_add_filter(self, bpf, da=False, skip_sw=False, skip_hw=False,
+                           fail=True):
+        params = ""
+        if da:
+            params += " da"
+        if skip_sw:
+            params += " skip_sw"
+        if skip_hw:
+            params += " skip_hw"
+        return tc("filter add dev %s ingress bpf %s %s" %
+                  (self['ifname'], bpf, params), fail=fail)
+    def set_ethtool_tc_offloads(self, enable, fail=True):
+        args = "hw-tc-offload %s" % ("on" if enable else "off")
+        return ethtool(self, "-K", args, fail=fail)
+def clean_up():
+    for dev in devs:
+        dev.remove()
+    for f in files:
+        cmd("rm -f %s" % (f))
+def check_no_progs(sim):
+    dfs = sim.dfs_get_bound_progs(expected=0)
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=0)
+    ingress = sim.tc_show_ingress(expected=0)
+def pin_prog(file_name, idx=0):
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=(idx + 1))
+    prog = progs[idx]
+    bpftool("prog pin id %d %s" % (prog["id"], file_name))
+    files.append(file_name)
+    return file_name, bpf_pinned(file_name)
+# Parse command line
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--log", help="output verbose log to given file")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.log:
+    logfile = open(args.log, 'w+')
+    logfile.write("# -*-Org-*-")
+# Check permissions
+skip(os.getuid() != 0, "test must be run as root")
+# Check tools
+ret, progs = bpftool("prog", fail=False)
+skip(ret != 0, "bpftool not installed")
+# Check no BPF programs are loaded
+skip(len(progs) != 0, "BPF programs already loaded on the system")
+# Check netdevsim
+ret, out = cmd("modprobe netdevsim", fail=False)
+skip(ret != 0, "netdevsim module could not be loaded")
+# Check debugfs
+_, out = cmd("mount")
+if out.find("/sys/kernel/debug type debugfs") == -1:
+    cmd("mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug")
+# Check samples are compiled
+samples = ["sample_ret0.o"]
+for s in samples:
+    ret, out = cmd("ls %s/%s" % (bpf_test_dir, s), fail=False)
+    skip(ret != 0, "sample %s/%s not found, please compile it" %
+         (bpf_test_dir, s))
+    obj = bpf_obj("sample_ret0.o")
+    bytecode = bpf_bytecode("1,6 0 0 4294967295,")
+    sim = NetdevSim()
+    sim.tc_add_ingress()
+    start_test("Check TC non-offloaded...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_hw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0, "Software TC filter did not load")
+    start_test("Check TC non-offloaded isn't getting bound...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0, "Software TC filter did not load")
+    sim.dfs_get_bound_progs(expected=0)
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    start_test("Check TC offloads are off by default...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_sw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "TC filter loaded without enabling TC offloads")
+    sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(True)
+    start_test("Check TC offload by default...")
+    sim.dfs["bpf_tc_no_skip_accept"] = "Y"
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0, "Software TC filter did not load")
+    sim.dfs_get_bound_progs(expected=0)
+    ingress = sim.tc_show_ingress(expected=1)
+    fltr = ingress[0]
+    fail(not fltr["in_hw"], "Filter not offloaded by default")
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    start_test("Check cBPF bytecode doesn't offload...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(bytecode, skip_sw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "TC bytecode loaded for offload")
+    start_test("Check TC offloads work...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_sw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0, "TC filter did not load with TC offloads enabled")
+    start_test("Check TC offload basics...")
+    dfs = sim.dfs_get_bound_progs(expected=1)
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=1)
+    ingress = sim.tc_show_ingress(expected=1)
+    dprog = dfs[0]
+    prog = progs[0]
+    fltr = ingress[0]
+    fail(fltr["skip_hw"], "TC does reports 'skip_hw' on offloaded filter")
+    fail(not fltr["in_hw"], "TC does not report 'in_hw' for offloaded filter")
+    fail(not fltr["skip_sw"], "TC does not report 'skip_sw' back")
+    start_test("Check TC offload is device-bound...")
+    fail(str(prog["id"]) != fltr["id"], "Program IDs don't match")
+    fail(prog["tag"] != fltr["tag"], "Program tags don't match")
+    fail(fltr["id"] != dprog["id"], "Program IDs don't match")
+    fail(dprog["state"] != "xlated", "Offloaded program state not translated")
+    fail(dprog["loaded"] != "Y", "Offloaded program is not loaded")
+    start_test("Check disabling TC offloads is rejected while filters 
+    ret, _ = sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(False, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Driver should refuse to disable TC offloads with filters 
+    start_test("Check qdisc removal frees things...")
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    check_no_progs(sim)
+    start_test("Check disabling TC offloads is OK without filters...")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(False, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0,
+         "Driver refused to disable TC offloads without filters installed...")
+    sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(True)
+    start_test("Check destroying device gets rid of TC filters...")
+    sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_sw=True)
+    sim.remove()
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=0)
+    sim = NetdevSim()
+    sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(True)
+    start_test("Check destroying device gets rid of XDP...")
+    sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload")
+    sim.remove()
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=0)
+    sim = NetdevSim()
+    sim.set_ethtool_tc_offloads(True)
+    start_test("Check XDP prog reporting...")
+    sim.set_xdp(obj, "drv")
+    ipl = sim.ip_link_show(xdp=True)
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=1)
+    fail(ipl["xdp"]["prog"]["id"] != progs[0]["id"],
+         "Loaded program has wrong ID")
+    start_test("Check XDP prog replace without force...")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "drv", fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Replaced XDP program without -force")
+    start_test("Check XDP prog replace with force...")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "drv", force=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret != 0, "Could not replace XDP program with -force")
+    ipl = sim.ip_link_show(xdp=True)
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=1)
+    fail(ipl["xdp"]["prog"]["id"] != progs[0]["id"],
+         "Loaded program has wrong ID")
+    start_test("Check XDP prog replace with bad flags...")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload", force=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Replaced XDP program with a program in different mode")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "", force=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Replaced XDP program with a program in different mode")
+    start_test("Check XDP prog remove with bad flags...")
+    ret, _ = sim.unset_xdp("offload", force=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Removed program with a bad mode mode")
+    ret, _ = sim.unset_xdp("", force=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Removed program with a bad mode mode")
+    start_test("Check MTU restrictions...")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_mtu(9000, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0,
+         "Driver should refuse to increase MTU to 9000 with XDP loaded...")
+    sim.unset_xdp("drv")
+    sim.set_mtu(9000)
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "drv", fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Driver should refuse to load program with MTU of 9000...")
+    sim.set_mtu(1500)
+    start_test("Check XDP offload...")
+    sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload")
+    ipl = sim.ip_link_show(xdp=True)
+    link_xdp = ipl["xdp"]["prog"]
+    progs = bpftool_prog_list(expected=1)
+    prog = progs[0]
+    fail(link_xdp["id"] != prog["id"], "Loaded program has wrong ID")
+    start_test("Check XDP offload is device bound...")
+    dfs = sim.dfs_get_bound_progs(expected=1)
+    dprog = dfs[0]
+    fail(prog["id"] != link_xdp["id"], "Program IDs don't match")
+    fail(prog["tag"] != link_xdp["tag"], "Program tags don't match")
+    fail(str(link_xdp["id"]) != dprog["id"], "Program IDs don't match")
+    fail(dprog["state"] != "xlated", "Offloaded program state not translated")
+    fail(dprog["loaded"] != "Y", "Offloaded program is not loaded")
+    start_test("Check removing XDP program many times...")
+    sim.unset_xdp("offload")
+    sim.unset_xdp("offload")
+    sim.unset_xdp("drv")
+    sim.unset_xdp("drv")
+    sim.unset_xdp("")
+    sim.unset_xdp("")
+    start_test("Check attempt to use a program for a wrong device...")
+    sim2 = NetdevSim()
+    sim2.set_xdp(obj, "offload")
+    pin_file, pinned = pin_prog("/sys/fs/bpf/tmp")
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(pinned, "offload", fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Pinned program loaded for a different device accepted")
+    sim2.remove()
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(pinned, "offload", fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Pinned program loaded for a removed device accepted")
+    rm(pin_file)
+    start_test("Check mixing of TC and XDP...")
+    sim.tc_add_ingress()
+    sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_sw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Loading TC when XDP active should fail")
+    sim.unset_xdp("offload")
+    sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, skip_sw=True)
+    ret, _ = sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload", fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Loading XDP when TC active should fail")
+    start_test("Check binding TC from pinned...")
+    pin_file, pinned = pin_prog("/sys/fs/bpf/tmp")
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(pinned, da=True, skip_sw=True)
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    start_test("Check binding XDP from pinned...")
+    sim.set_xdp(obj, "offload")
+    pin_file, pinned = pin_prog("/sys/fs/bpf/tmp2", idx=1)
+    sim.set_xdp(pinned, "offload", force=True)
+    sim.unset_xdp("offload")
+    sim.set_xdp(pinned, "offload", force=True)
+    sim.unset_xdp("offload")
+    start_test("Check offload of wrong type fails...")
+    ret, _ = sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(pinned, da=True, skip_sw=True, fail=False)
+    fail(ret == 0, "Managed to attach XDP program to TC")
+    start_test("Check asking for TC offload of two filters...")
+    sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, da=True, skip_sw=True)
+    sim.cls_bpf_add_filter(obj, da=True, skip_sw=True)
+    # The above will trigger a splat until TC cls_bpf drivers are fixed
+    sim.tc_flush_filters()
+    start_test("Check that netdev removal waits for translation...")
+    sim.dfs["bpf_bind_verifier_delay"] = 1000 # msec
+    start = time.time()
+    cmd_line = "tc filter add dev %s ingress bpf %s da skip_sw" % \
+               (sim['ifname'], obj)
+    tc_proc = cmd(cmd_line, background=True, fail=False)
+    time.sleep(0.2)
+    sim.remove()
+    ret, _ = cmd_result(tc_proc, fail=False)
+    end = time.time()
+    time_diff = end - start
+    log("Time", "start: %s\nend: %s\ndiff: %s" % (start, end, time_diff))
+    fail(ret == 0, "Managed to load TC filter on a unregistering device")
+    fail(time_diff < 1.0, "Removal process took %s, expected %s" %
+         (time_diff, 1.0))
+    log_level = 1
+    clean_up()

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