On Thu, 2005-01-12 at 13:48 +0100, Krzysztof Halasa wrote:
> Hi,
> Stefan Rompf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > +}
> This is of course much much more correct than those strange operations
> on dev->char_type, though netif_dormant* is still misnamed - dormant
> isn't one bit but rather a combination of bits: admin up, carrier
> (lower level etc.) up and (I call it) protocol down.
> This bit alone doesn't tell if it's dormant or, for example, simply down
> (either admin or carrier).

dormant is an operational state and _not_ an admin state. 

> While I haven't fully analyzed the remaining part of the patch... Tell
> me, do you think adding more code can at last break the theory? Do you
> think you can avoid *real* locking (as opposed to protecting a write to
> a variable) especially when userspace is involved (i.e., there is no
> serialization and everything is asynchronous)?
> How do you protect against the scenario I have already outlined few times:
> - kernel driver signals lower-level down
> - kernel driver signals lower-level up (dormant = 1)
> - slow userspace (in this case, could be a kernel module if strict
>   serialization of all operational status changes isn't required) doesn't
>   (yet) see the above events and sets "fully operational"?

How is this different from say a link flip-flopping? Which is something
that could happen today even without these changes?
Stefans code does protect against that with a damping time.

> Look, you (I mean Thomas and Jamal, too) can ignore that problem (or
> "problem"), pretend it's fixed when it's not, exactly like you ignore
> existence of my patch.

Please stop talking about your patch. 

> However, in case it's unintentional (hard to believe maybe but I trust
> people), 

Not including your patch was _without a doubt_ intentional. I apologize
for being blunt:
Your patch was nothing more than a bandaid; a bad hack that was just
hiding the real problem. Now can we get you mentioning your patch out of
the way please?

In regards to the rest of your comments:
I dont see any races at all in what Stefan posted- but i could be
The issue you pointed out about state flip flopping is something that is
expected; infact the RFC talks about it and the suggested workaround is
even in current code by a little damper time and double checking the
state before announcing it to user space.


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