On 31/Jan/19 09:51, Thomas King wrote:

> Hi Ren et al.,
> Thanks for pointing out that some peers do not use the route servers. This 
> group can be subdivided in a group of peers not sending any IP prefixes to 
> the route servers while maintaining a route server BGP session, and a group 
> of peers not even connecting to the route server. The latter do not show up 
> in the "BGP session established" section even if they have applied the 
> required IPv4 changes.

I believe most exchange points maintain both route servers and route

Generally, most peers will connect to the RS, but not all. As you
mention, some may connect but not send any routes.

However, I believe all peers will connect to the RC. Of course, I can
envisage scenarios where even this could be selectively done. But the
reasons for (not) connecting to the RC are very different from those for
(not) connecting to the RS.


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