Pinged my contacts in each On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 05:52 Jason Lixfeld <> wrote:
> Hi, > > In late October 2018, DE-CIX announced that they would be renumbering > their IPv4 address block in New York between 01-28-19 and 01-30-19. > > This was followed by numerous reminders in months, weeks and even days > leading up to the renumbering activity. > > The renumbering activity has come and gone, but LinkedIn, Amazon and > Akamai are still using the old IPs. > > If three months has gone by and the numerous reminders that have been sent > have resulted in these organizations still living on the old IP space, it > seems to me that there may be some sort of a disconnect between who > receives the notifications from IXPs and how they are filtered upstream. > > I’m hopeful that the eyeballs who read this list are some of those folks > who should have received the notifications from DE-CIX, or can at least > filter the info back downstream to whoever can perform the renumbering > activity. > > Thanks. > > -- Mehmet +1-424-298-1903