Sure and with the Exp Date, CVV, and number printed on every card you are open 
to compromise every time you stay in the hotel or go to a restaurant where you 
hand someone your card.  Worse yet, the only option if you are compromised is 
to change all your numbers and put the burden on your of notifying everyone and 
that evening you hand your card to the waiter and the cycle starts over.  The 
system is so monumentally stupid it’s unbelievable.

  Steven Naslund

 Chicago IL

>  Well,

  >  Once you get the Expiry Date (which is the most prevalent data that is not 
encoded with the CHD)

  >  CVV is only 3 digits, we saw ppl using parallelizing tactics to find the 
correct sequence using acquirers around the world.

  >  With the delays in the reporting pipeline, they have the time to 
completely abuse that CHD/Date/CVV before getting caught.

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