> On Mar 2, 2018, at 3:17 AM, Bjørn Mork <bj...@mork.no> wrote:
> Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> writes:
>> What can you do with ULA that GUA isn’t suitable for?
> 1) get
> 2) keep
> 3) move


1) get
        Easy as going to http://tunnelbroker.net <http://tunnelbroker.net/> and 
filling out a form. Remember to check the box for your /48.

2) keep
        Admittedly, you might have to connect to your tunnel every once in a 
while to keep it alive, but that’s
        hardly a high bar.

3) move
        If you’re not talking to the internet with it (which you can’t with 
ULA, theoretically), you can move that same
        HE /48 anywhere you want, with the additional advantage that you can, 
if you need to, connect your tunnel
        and actually make it work on the internet too.

> Granted, many of us can do that with GUAs too.  But with ULA those
> features are avaible to everyone everywhere.  Which is useful for a

You really think that doing ULA according to the RFCs (collision avoidance 
algorithm and all) is easier
than filling out a form at HE? REALLY?

> number of applications where you care mostly about the local environment
> and not so much about global connectivity.

I hear you, but I’m not convinced about the ease.


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