On 07/10/2016 00:33, Lee wrote:
> dunno about creating web pages, but
> https://www.nanog.org/meetings/abstract?id=785
> has a section on showing filters that are defined but not referenced &
> referenced but not defined

In IOS-XR it is one command "sho rpl unused ?"
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:petach-tikva-gp#show rpl unused ?
  as-path-set       Display as-path-set objects
  community-set     Display community-set objects
  extcommunity-set  Display extended community objects
  prefix-set        Display prefix-set objects
  rd-set            Display rd-set objects
  route-policy      Display route-policy objects
  tag-set           Display tag-set objects

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:petach-tikva-gp#show rpl unused prefix
Fri Oct  7 08:24:53.237 IDT

ACTIVE -- Referenced by at least one policy which is attached
INACTIVE -- Only referenced by policies which are not attached
UNUSED -- Not attached (directly or indirectly) and not referenced

> Regards,
> Lee

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