I think there was a BCP being worked on. I seem to recall it was being 
discussed as a Facebook group. But there's no RFC, at least that I know of.


Hal Ponton

Senior Network Engineer

Buzcom / FibreWiFi

Tel: 07429 979 217
Email: h...@buzcom.net

> On 6 Apr 2016, at 19:56, Dan Mahoney, System Admin <d...@prime.gushi.org> 
> wrote:
> All,
> We recently, at $dayjob, had one of our peers (at Symantec)  send out a 
> network maint notification, putting 70 addresses in the "To:" field, rather 
> than using BCC or the exchange's mailing list.
> Naturally, when you mail 30 addresses, of the forms peering@ and noc@ various 
> organizations, you're likely to hit at least a few autoresponders and ticket 
> systems...
> And at least one or two of those autoresponders are of course brainded and 
> configured to reply-all.  (In this case, Verizon's ServiceNow setup was such 
> a stupid responder).  And that made things fun in our own ticket system, as 
> our RT setup happily created a bunch of tickets.
> My question for the group -- does anyone know if there's a "best practices" 
> for sending maint notifications like this?  An RFC sort of thing?
> While it would define a social protocol, rather than a truly technical one, 
> if there's not such a document, it seems like it could useful.  And once such 
> a thing exists, exchanges could of course helpfully point their members AT it 
> (for both their humans, and ticket systems, to follow).
> -Dan
> -- 

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