26.01.2016, 17:49, "Ryan Gard" <ryang...@gmail.com>:
> Hey,
> Per chance if someone @ Netflix could reach me off list? Seems that as of
> this weekend there's a number of our clients (residential internet) who are
> unable to utilize Netflix directly, instead being presented with a message
> advising them they're using a VPN service... Have a feeling that our IP
> blocks were lumped in with someone somehow...
> Thanks!
> --
> Ryan Gard

We have noticed the same issue in the last hours, a couple users complaining 
they were seeing the "You seem to be using an unblocker or proxy. Please turn 
off any of these services and try again." message. We have worked with 
Netflix's open connect support guys and found out essentially netflix is trying 
to determine if the account is reaching their systems from different region 
other than the contracted one or if from multiple regios at a short period of 
time, which one could not fly thousand miles in that time window. So how to 
explain the blocks? Different explanations on different users. One user had his 
wife sharing his Netflix account on her iPad while on a conference to Europe 
(same account, different countries). One other case was related to a user who 
was at tor, in fact he was an exit node for tor with his share / natted ip 
address and it looks like someone was else from another account used his ip 
address as an exit node or he used tor with his account. In the end it was the 
same case of being at two regions with the same account in a short time window. 
We also had good insights via telephone support by Netflix at 0800-096-6379 

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