On 10/12/15 1:57 AM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015, Jeremy Austin wrote:
>> Juneau, I'm not so surprised; how many other cities that small and
>> isolated
>> have IXes? I'm curious. It's an interesting prospect, at least for some
>> value of $location.
> Several small cities in Sweden have IXes. Not sure than any of them are
> quite as small as Juneau, but some (Borås, Luleå, Sundsvall) are sub
> 100k people, and other cities (Umeå, Uppsala) are just over 100k
> inhabitants. Umeå and Luleå are releativly isolated - at least by
> European standards.
> Most of these are probably just a switch or two, and are probably there
> to provide better quality of service, and not because it makes for a
> good business.
Sweden's  IX infrastructure is not entirely unique but are certainly
borne out of a particular set of circumstances and public private
partnerships that  don't generally exist elsewhere.


>     Best regards, Henrik
>  Henrik Thostrup Jensen <htj at nordu.net>
>  Software Developer, NORDUnet

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