This thread, while originally interesting and helpful, seems to have degraded to a contest to see who can be the most arrogant, condescending and insulting. Congrats. On Oct 8, 2015 6:25 PM, "James Jun" <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 08, 2015 at 03:45:38PM -0700, Mike wrote: > > > > NO, THERE IS NOT. We operate in rural and underserved areas and WE DO > > NOT HAVE realistic choices. Can you see me from your ivory tower? > > Who is your upstream provider? > > I think you're confused on how the IP transit industry works. > > If you want choices in your transit providers, you should get a transport > circuit (dark, wave or EPL) to a nearby carrier hotel/data center. Once > you do that, you will suddenly find that virtually almost everyone in the > competitive IP transit market will provide you with dual-stacked IPv4/IPv6 > service. > > If you are buying DIA circuit from some $isp to your rural location that > you call "head-end" and are expecting to receive a competitive service, > and support for IPv6, well, then your expectations are either unreasonable, > ignorant or both. > > Best, > James >