On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:20 AM, alvin nanog <
nano...@mail.ddos-mitigator.net> wrote:

> hi ramy
> On 08/12/15 at 05:28pm, Ramy Hashish wrote:
> >
> > Anybody here compared Wanguard's performance with the DDoS vendors in the
> > market (Arbor, Radware, NSFocus, A10, RioRey, Staminus, F5 ......)?
> wouldn't the above "comparison" be kinda funky comparing software solutions
> with hardware appliances and/or cloud scubbers ??
> comparisons between vendors should be between sw solutions,
> or hw appliances vs other hw, or cloud vs other clouds
> wanguard should be compared with other sw options or vendors using
> sflow, netflow, jflow, etc etc
>         http://www.andrisoft.com/software/wanguard
>         http://bitbucket.org/tortoiselabs/ddosmon
>         http://www.github.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon
>         http://nfdump.sourceforge.net
>         http://nfsen.sourceforge.net
> wanguard - software solution using sflow
>         http://www.andrisoft.com/software/wanguard
> arbor ---- hardware/software solutions -- "peakflow"
>         http://www.arbornetworks.com/products/peakflow
> radware -- hardware/software/cloud solutions -- "defenseflow"
>         http://www.radware.com/products/attack-mitigation-service/
>         http://www.radware.com/Products/DefenseFlow/
> nsfocus -- hardware/cloud solutions
>         http://www.nsfocus.com/products/
> A10 ------ hardware solution
>         http://www.a10network.com/products
> riorey --- hardware solution
>         http://www.riorey.com/riorey-ddos-products
> staminus - hardware/cloud solutions
>         http://www.staminus.net/shield
> # and to add to the ddos confusion ..
> akamai/prolexic --- hardware/cloud solution
> f5 ---------------- hardware/cloud solutions
> http://www.f5.com/resources/white-papers/mitigating-ddos-attacks-with-f5-technology
> fortinet ---------- custom ASIC hardware and cloud solution
> http://www.fortinet.com/products/fortiddos/ddos-mitigation-appliances.html
Let me disagree to some extent, we have contacted most of the above
vendors, selling a HW doesn't necessarily mean they are HW based solution,
most of them run their SW/algorithm on an x86 machine.



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