hi ramy

On 08/12/15 at 05:28pm, Ramy Hashish wrote:
> Anybody here compared Wanguard's performance with the DDoS vendors in the
> market (Arbor, Radware, NSFocus, A10, RioRey, Staminus, F5 ......)?
wouldn't the above "comparison" be kinda funky comparing software solutions
with hardware appliances and/or cloud scubbers ??

comparisons between vendors should be between sw solutions,
or hw appliances vs other hw, or cloud vs other clouds

wanguard should be compared with other sw options or vendors using
sflow, netflow, jflow, etc etc

wanguard - software solution using sflow

arbor ---- hardware/software solutions -- "peakflow" 

radware -- hardware/software/cloud solutions -- "defenseflow"

nsfocus -- hardware/cloud solutions

A10 ------ hardware solution

riorey --- hardware solution

staminus - hardware/cloud solutions

# and to add to the ddos confusion ..

akamai/prolexic --- hardware/cloud solution

f5 ---------------- hardware/cloud solutions

fortinet ---------- custom ASIC hardware and cloud solution

- simulated ddos attacks should include:
  == you are already getting hourly low level DDoS attacks from your script 
  ==    try to defend against those mostly harmless attacks first
    # some trivial benchmark DDoS attacks to generate -- internally only
    #   - never send DDoS packets outside of your bldg/gateway
    # DDoS-Simulator.net == generate any DDoS packets per your desires
    #   - use nc, socat, *perf, nping or hping to generate most of these DDoS 
    #   - use dsniff/arpspoof to break everything
    within your own network, send few packets per second attacks
    within your own network, send x,000 packets per second attacks
    within your own network, send xxx,000 packet per second attacks 
        sustained sporadically over hours/days

    - arp-based attacks
    - udp-based attacks
        nping -v -d1 -c 10000 --data-length 1511 --rate 12345 --udp 
        hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -p 123 -S --udp -p 123 

    - icmp-based attacks
        ping -c 10000 -s 1511 -i 0.00008 
        nping -v -d1 -c 10000 --data-length 1511 --rate 12345 --icmp 
        hping -c 1 -d 1501 --rand-source --file TeraByteFile.bin --icmp 

    - tcp-based attacks --- ez to send malicious packets and to defend against
        # 10,000 random src add
        hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -xxTCPflags 
                # -S = set SYN flag
                # -F = set FIN flag
                # -A = set ACK flag

    - application layer tests --- http, ssh, mail and 65,532 other ports
         hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -p 22 -S 
         hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -p 25 -S 
         hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -p 80 -S 
         hping -c 10000 -d 1511 -i u 81 --rand-source -p 53 -S --udp 

                - these attack the servers or client desktop/laptops

    - volumetric attacks -- almost everybody will fail this test
    - volumetric attacks are pointless, you'll always fail at some point
        ping -f

    - send spam  .......................... mitigated separately ...
    - send virus and worms to the list  ... mitigated separately ...

- cloud solutions
    - if you have regulatory compliance requirements, your options
      are extemely limited to a few certified amd expensive clouds

    - what triggers the packets to go to the cloud for scrubbing

    - you do NOT want somebody "looking" at millions of packets to
      decide to send it off the cloud for scrubbing or not

    - you might NOT want to send everything to the cloud and
      incurr un-necessary expenses if you're NOT under xxxGbit/sec 
      DDoS attacks

- ddos mitigation should be able to distinguish legit traffic 
  from real ddos traffic
        - eg folks downloading or sending 4GB dvd or larger files
        - eg silly folks sending 4GB dvd via emails

  # simplified way to distinguish legit users from ddos attackers

        if web servers are running only "apache",
        all other packets to other ports are DDoS attacks

        if mail servers are running only "sendmail",
        all other packets to other ports are DDoS attacks

        if ldap servers are running only "ldap",
        all other packets to other ports are DDoS attacks

        one way to determine legit web users from web ddos attacks
        is to look into apache's error logs for bad URLs

        one way to determine legit mail users from mail ddos attacks
        is to look into sendmail's error logs for bad things

        all servers require ssh, ntp/udp, dns/udp and should
        be locked to particular IP# only ... all other
        connection attempts are ddos attacks
# after you are done comparing all the various DDoS mitigation 
# products and solutions, your conclusion might look like:

  a) what's my ddos mitigation budget for the level of ddos attacks
     i'm already getting 

  b) icmp and udp attacks can only be mitigated at the ISP 
        - you'd need to find a pro-active ddos mitigating ISP

  c) arp attacks can usually be mitigated by properly configured
     servers and network infrastructure

  d) tcp-based attacks are trivial to mitigate
        - i prefer to mitigate with tarpits to counter the 
        zombie's attacks, requiring their zombie servers to have 
        huge amts of kernel memory to sustain any tcp-based attacks

  e) volumetric attacks are a nuisance and expensive to resolve and
     everybody fails volumetric attacks after x,xxxGbit/sec attacks

  f) if you have governmental regulatory compliance issues,
     you're options are limited to using inhouse distributed colo 
     or finding certified ddos scrubbers with proper certifications

> Another question, have anybody from the reviewers tested the false
> positives of the box, or experienced any false positive incidents?

any "false positives" for ddos attacks are a bad thing ... especially
if you're not gonna deliver it to the end user b/c the ddos box says 
"these are bad packets"

pixie dust
# DDoS-Mitigator.net/Competitors
# DDoS-Mitigator.net/Mitigation
# DDoS-Simulator.net/Malicious-DDoS
# DDoS-Simulator.net/DDoS-Simulation-Plan

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