Furst rule of dealing with $CABLECO — If you don’t like the answer you get on 
this phone call, redial. The next person will probably give you a different 
answer. Certainly you can almost always get the answer you are looking for 
(even if it’s wrong) within 5 calls if you are that patient.


> On Jul 21, 2015, at 05:13 , Curtis Maurand <cmaur...@xyonet.com> wrote:
> On 7/20/2015 5:59 PM, Ricky Beam wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 06:45:43 -0400, Seth Mos <seth....@dds.nl> wrote:
>>> For now, all the customers with the Ubee in bridge mode are SOL. It's not 
>>> clear what the reason is, but Ubee in bridge mode with IPv6 is listed on 
>>> the road map. If that's intentional policy or that the firmware isn't ready 
>>> yet is not clear at this point.
>> Even in bridge mode, it's router is still active (and consuming an address 
>> -- which TWC eventually "fixed" by upping the number of allowed devices by 
>> one.) In TWC-BC land, the customer has no access to the CPE, so we cannot 
>> see anything beyond the login screen.
>> ("user" -- non-priv account -- can be accessed on some of them, which is how 
>> I know the router is still active, but I cannot do anything about it.)
>> The Arris DG1670A is passing IPv6 through properly. (I'm told it is "known 
>> broken", but it's the *one* out of three that works.) The Arris CM820A -- 
>> used for their hotspot -- doesn't appear to work correctly; my (win7) laptop 
>> got a DHCP ::/128 but then couldn't get anywhere. (IPv4 worked fine)
>> [For the record, TWC-BC hands out a /56 no matter what you ask for.]
> At least in Maine where I am, TWC does allow you to bring your own modem as 
> long as it's DOCSIS 3 compliant and there's lots of those from motorola, 
> netgear and others.  You're not stuck with the Ubee.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Curtis Maurand
> Principal Xyonet Web Hosting
> mailto:cmaur...@xyonet.com
> http://www.xyonet.com

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