On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:06:56 -0700
"Paul B. Henson" <hen...@acm.org> wrote:

> > From: John Peach
> > Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 5:02 AM
> > 
> > smtps was deprecated years ago and is not implemented in postfix,
> > hence the need for stunnel. I should have said they don't implement
> > STARTTLS on either 25 or 587.
> Oh, ok; I assumed you were talking about a client, not an MTA. Why
> are you relaying through Verizon rather than just sending directly?
> My home MTA on FIOS hasn't had any problems sending mail to the
> Internet at large, although I do have a static IP with appropriate
> matching/reverse DNS.

I'm cheap :)
For $30 a month they don't allow port 25 outbound.

> Seems to be a lot less noise on this iteration of the shake fist at
> Verizon's lack of IPv6 thread, I guess everybody is pretty much
> burned out and given up 8-/. Verizon should just update their IPv6
> status page with a link to hurricane electric's tunnel broker page
> <sigh>.

The fact that my router supports the HE tunnel natively makes this
completely painless.

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