I had to beat up on AT&T quite a bit, but instead of letting them "make
notes", escalate to tier-2 because you can't reach work.  Explain that you
must have IPv6 to reach work to the tier-2.  If they won't help demand to
be escalated further.  Your time on the phone costs them money.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 6:45 AM, Seth Mos <seth....@dds.nl> wrote:

> Ricky Beam schreef op 18-7-2015 om 1:14:
>  On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:25:26 -0400, Christopher Morrow <
>> morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> mean that your UBee has to do dhcpv6? (or the downstream thingy from
>>> the UBee has to do dhcpv6?)
>> The Ubee "router" is in bridge mode. Customers have ZERO access to the
>> thing, even when it is running in routed mode. So I have no idea what it's
>> trying to do.  All I can say is no RAs are coming from it (through
>> it/whatever) It *could* be it's blocking it -- it's multicast, so who knows
>> what it's doing with it.  Without RAs, nothing connected to it will even
>> attempt IPv6 -- the RA being the indicator to use DHCP or not, and who's
>> the router.
>> And further, when I tell my Cisco 1841 to do DHCP anyway, I get no answer.
>> So, the blanket statement that "it's ready" isn't true.
> For a point of interest, the Ubee 320 and 321 wireless routers/modems are
> in use by Ziggo in the Netherlands.
> Although they've rolled back the 320 modems to a older firmware, the 321
> is still active on their IPv6 rollout. The problems were not strictly
> related to Ipv6 perse, but the newer firmware broken Voice on these all-the
> -things-in-one devices.
> The 321 appears to be unaffected and is still active, although in just a
> few regions at this point of the rollout.
> What's very specific about this rollout in relation to the above, is that
> Ziggo is currently only supporting IPv6 with the Ubee in router mode (with
> the wifi hotspot). The good news is that it also operates a DHCP-PD server
> so that you can connect your own router to the Ubee and still get IPv6
> routed to you out of the /56 allocated to the customer.
> For now, all the customers with the Ubee in bridge mode are SOL. It's not
> clear what the reason is, but Ubee in bridge mode with IPv6 is listed on
> the road map. If that's intentional policy or that the firmware isn't ready
> yet is not clear at this point.
> Regards,
> Seth

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