>       You quickly run into religion here.
>       I run my home as a big broadcast domain, but there's no reason I 
> wouldn't perhaps segment things differently.  There are a lot of people who 
> just "extend their wifi" by plugging in a 2nd router with a long cable and 
> don't >realize they now have a new layer of nat, they just know the wifi by 
> the $newRouter got better.

More VLANs (or no VLANs) won't help with multiple layers of NAT but we are 
talking here about IPV6 allocations so NAT on the home CPE should not be an 

>       Should I have a lan party VLAN/SSID?  

I would say that additional SSID ?= VLAN and would suggest that your LAN party 
try to use wired connections for better performance.  If you don't want to 
reveal your wifi password by all means set up another SSID but it does not need 
to necessarily be in a different VLAN.

>Perhaps, but for ease of use I let my AppleTV be on the same network as my 
>iPhone so I can control them with the Remote app.  Otherwise you quickly get 
>into kinky broadcast relay or similar >issues with multicast groups :)
>       -Jared

Isn't the whole idea of this "Internet of Things" is that everything 
communicates to everything.  Assuming that is the goal, what does VLANing do 
for you?

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

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