On 9/Jul/15 21:55, Jared Mauch wrote:
>       I run my home as a big broadcast domain, but there's no reason
> I wouldn't perhaps segment things differently.  There are a lot of people
> who just "extend their wifi" by plugging in a 2nd router with a long cable
> and don't realize they now have a new layer of nat, they just know
> the wifi by the $newRouter got better.
>       Should I have a lan party VLAN/SSID?  Perhaps, but for ease of use
> I let my AppleTV be on the same network as my iPhone so I can control them
> with the Remote app.  Otherwise you quickly get into kinky broadcast relay
> or similar issues with multicast groups :)

Same here, single broadcast domain - all other AP's beside the one
hooked up to the DSL network in my house run in bridge-mode, however,
i.e., just as AP's.


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