>     - equipment might not support the RTR protocol to validate
>       announcements against the cache validator

alcalu, cisco, juniper do

>     - Legal obstacles in obtaining the anchors from all RIRs

arin has been pwned by the tea party and is best ignored.  that they do
not protect their members is their choice.  they're a bottom up policy
organization, right.  bottom of the barrel.

>     - when not using the RTR protocol but generating prefix-list
>       filters based on RPKI data, the devices might not support
>       sufficient entries.

because the rpki generated acls are bigger and heavier than those in the
irr.  and they have trans-fats.

> I'll count "not using brocade" as a valid method.

you use brocade at your border?  how's that working out for you?  :)


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