We have been pushing large configurations to devices. You can check my slides 
from the London IEPG meeting. 

When 96% of your config is prefix filters we are sure trying.

I ask others to encourage your vendors to make this a priority as we have faced 
a number of issues in this area and have been waiting quite some time for 
vendor resolution. 

Jared Mauch

> On Jun 30, 2015, at 5:26 PM, Mike Leber <mle...@he.net> wrote:
>> On 6/30/15 3:02 PM, Tore Anderson wrote:
>> * Mike Leber
>>> I was thinking that when I posted yesterday.
>>> These were announcements from a peer, not customer routes.
>>> We are lowering our max prefix limits on many peers as a result of this.
>>> We are also going towards more prefix filtering on peers beyond bogons
>>> and martians.
>> Hi Mike,
>> You're not mentioning RPKI here. Any particular reason why not?
>> If I understand correctly, in today's leak the origin AS was
>> changed/reset, so RPKI ought to have saved the day. (At least Grzegorz'
>> day, considering that 33 of AS43996's prefixes are covered by ROAs.)
> Yes, we will incorporate RPKI into how we build our prefix filters for peers 
> as we improve our tools.
> Currently this will involve some amount of prefix list compression due to the 
> limits of current hardware and the need to still have BGP converge.
> As Job Snijders said, "I would forsee issues if i'd try to add an eleven 
> megabyte prefix-list on all devices in the network.".
> Mike.

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