Suspend or shut down a user is easy, just disable their port on the DSLAM
or change their port to a VLAN that only allows them to access/pay their

Going to PPPoE to IPoE increases the net throughput right?

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:16 AM, Nasser Heidari <> wrote:

> > On Sun, 7 Jun 2015, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> >
> > > - If you are already using IPoE, tell more why should I upgrade?
> >
> > The IPoE and IPoEoADSL I have done didn't need radius, didn't need BNG,
> didn't
> > need a lot of the complications you're talking about. It could basically
> be realised in
> > any decent L3 switch as default gateway for the customers instead of
> needing BNG.
> >
> > So I'd say if you want to get full potential of IPoE you need to do
> simplification as
> > well, otherwise there is little use in doing the work if he only thing
> you
> want to
> > change is from IPoPPPoE to IPoE encapsulation and keep all the other
> stuff
> you're
> > doing.
> >
> > IPoPPPoE requires special CPE and router at your end to achieve high
> speeds,
> > because they need to support encapsulation/decapsulation of packets at
> whatever
> > speed you provide. The number of devices that do this is a lot smaller
> than the
> > ones that do decent speeds with just IPoE.
> >
> > So some people will say migrating to IPoE from IPoPPPoE buys them
> nothing,
> > because they feel they need all the mechanisms they currently use.
> > Greenfield deployments might say "hey, we can do this without a lot of
> the
> needed
> > mechanisms for IPoPPPoE" and save a lot of money and complication.
> >
> > --
> > Mikael Abrahamsson    email:
> Thanks for your reply. I'm would like this simplicity if I could keep same
> functionalities I have in PPPoE. By functionalities I mean:
>         - AAA
>         - Triple-ply services and classified accounting per service
>         - Possibility to suspend a user service in case of over-quota
>         - applying fair-share policies
> Do I have any option to have simplicity and same functionality together?
> Regards,
> Nasser

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