Hello Nasser. We use IPoE in our small ISP. But in my case we use DHCP option 
82 and IP address as username for authentication and accounting purposes. As 
BRAS we configure Cisco ISG.

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-------- Исходное сообщение --------
От: Nasser Heidari <nas...@rasana.net>
Дата: 07.06.2015  9:46  (GMT+03:00)
Кому: nanog@nanog.org
Тема: PPPoE/IPoE, any recommendations for upgrade?


We are currently using PPPoE in our network. I have seen some articles
regarding migration of so-called legacy PPPoE to IPoE. After reviewing some
of them and implementing IPoE in lab environment using Cisco ASR I didn't
fine it that much beneficial to migrate whole system as I need to change a
lot of things. For example:
 - I need to add it's support to our radius and obviously BSS system (E.g.
using NAS-PORT-ID instead of username).
 - For the addressing part, as I have already using distributed BNG's, I
need to change some of our policies. (For example assigning address blocks
is much easier in PPPoE using framed-route)
 - I need to change our customers CPE configuration to use Ethernet
 - I haven't used DHCP in large scale environment.
 - I don't have any clear Idea/understanding regarding its
maintainability/troubleshooting and also security.
 (Please add if I'm missing any other issue which may run into if I migrate
to IPoE)

Although it has some benefits, I'm not sure if it's that essential to
Would you please kindly?
 - Share your Ideas/experiences/best practices in this regard?
 - If you are already using IPoE, tell more why should I upgrade?
 - Considering a DSL network with more than 800K customers using PPPoE, do
you recommend this migration?

Kind Regards,

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