Those are measured at the campus boundary. I don't have visibility inside the school's network to know who much intra-campus traffic there may be . but we know that peer-to-peer is a small percentage of overall Internet traffic flows, and streaming video remains the largets.
Frank From: James R Cutler [] Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2015 8:51 AM To: Frank Bulk Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: symmetric vs. asymmetric [was: Verizon Policy Statement on Net Neutrality] Frank, Are your measurements taken at the campus boundary or within the campus network? I remember the confusion when Centrex was first introduced at UMich. The statistic there that confounded was call durations wildly exceeding models, but mostly within the campus, not to the outside world. Could there be peer to peer traffic that you do not see? James R. Cutler <> PGP keys at On Mar 6, 2015, at 11:35 PM, Frank Bulk < <> > wrote: The download/upload in our residential/business eyeball network has been trending a 95th-percentile based ratio of 9:1. If I look at a higher-ed customer of ours who has symmetric service and has a young demographic the average ratio is 11:1 and the peak ratio 8.8:1. So despite access to symmetric speeds, they're not showing a distinctively heavier symmetricity. Frank