Naslund, Steve wrote:
Average != Peak.

What is peak?  There is a question for you. If we get all the way down to the 
fundamentals of any network, peak is always 100%.  There is either a bit on the 
wire or not.  Your network is either 100% busy or 100% idle at any 
instantaneous moment in time.  What matters is average transfer rate to the 
user experience and even that varies a lot depending on the app in question and 
how that app tolerates things like jitter, loss, and latency.

That's simply wrong - at least for folks who do any work related stuff at home.

Consider: I've just edited a large sales presentation - say a PPT deck with some embedded video, totaling maybe 250MB (2gbit) - and I want to upload that to the company server. And let's say I want to do that 5 times during 12 hour day (it's crunch time, we're doing lots of edits).

On average, we're talking 20gbit/12 hours, or a shade under 500kbps, if we're talking averages. On the other hand, if I try to push a 2gbit file through a 500kbps pipe, it's going to take 4000 seconds (67 minutes) -- that's rather painful, and inserts a LOT of delay in the process of getting reviews, comments, and doing the next round of edits.

On the other hand, at 50mbps it takes only 40 seconds - annoying, but acceptable,
and at a gig, it only takes 2 seconds.

So, tell me, with a straight face, that "what matters is average transfer rate to the user experience."

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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