> On Feb 27, 2015, at 5:52 PM, Naslund, Steve <snasl...@medline.com> wrote:
> What is that statement based on?  I have not seen any outcry for more 
> symmetric speeds.  Asymmetry in our networks causes a lot of engineering 
> issues and if it were up to the carriers, we would much rather have more 
> symmetric traffic patterns because it would make life easier for us.  
> Remember that most carrier backbones are built of symmetric circuits.  It 
> would be nice but the users generally download more than they upload.  That 
> is the fact.
> Steven Naslund
> Chicago IL
>> The demand may not be symmetrical, but where demand exists, it is often for 
>> symmetrical speeds.
>> Side note:  Did I not read that asymmetric paths tend to exacerbate Buffer 
>> Bloat?
>> James R. Cutler
>> james.cut...@consultant.com
>> PGP keys at http://pgp.mit.edu

"the users generally download more than they upload.” may well be true, but is 
refers to bytes moved, not bytes per second.

And, again, what about Buffer Bloat, especially due to considerably slower 

James R. Cutler
PGP keys at http://pgp.mit.edu

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