By that logic, and giving you the benefit of the doubt that you follow your own advice, you have 15-20 upstreams?
I've never tried that on a standard network with BGP as the only tool. See any interesting operational stuff with that many upstreams? Also, while many people knock Cogent, I would submit that many people have bad first-hand experiences with Cogent (including me). Every network has its bad days. Even the best companies screw customers from time-to-time. But the preponderance of evidence is a useful guidepost. Cogent is large, but does not have even half the customers NTT has. Do "lots of people knock NTT"? Given NTT's much larger number of customers, shouldn't that mean they have more knocks? If not, I submit the disparity is a useful datapoint when choosing a provider. -- TTFN, patrick Composed on a virtual keyboard, please forgive typos. > On Feb 5, 2015, at 12:29, Mike Hammett <> wrote: > > A lot of people knock Cogent, but the best way to get to Cogent's customer's > is probably through Cogent. Given that they do have a very large network, > they're worth picking up even if you only use them for customer routes. > > > > > ----- > Mike Hammett > Intelligent Computing Solutions > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Jack Stonebraker" <> > To: > Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2015 11:24:59 AM > Subject: Input Regarding Cogent and NTT > > My organization is currently shopping for some additional Transit Capacity to > augment our existing interconnects. We've got around 8 distinct AS's that > we're receiving transit routes from, followed by a handful of Public IX's and > Private PNI's to AS's that warrant them. That said, the networks that are on > our radar are Cogent and NTT. I've done some due diligence poking around on > their Looking Glass, but I'd love to hear any user experiences from the > community, both from a Layer 3 Perspective, as well as an Operational > Perspective (Working with the businesses themselves). Feel free to contact me > off-list and thanks in advance for your time. > > [cid:image002.jpg@01CFE2F3.A6F973D0] > > > Jack Stonebraker | Sr. IP Network Engineer > (512) 878-5627 | ><> > Grande Communications Networks > 401 Carlson Circle | San Marcos, Texas | 78666 > > > >