My organization is currently shopping for some additional Transit Capacity to augment our existing interconnects. We've got around 8 distinct AS's that we're receiving transit routes from, followed by a handful of Public IX's and Private PNI's to AS's that warrant them. That said, the networks that are on our radar are Cogent and NTT. I've done some due diligence poking around on their Looking Glass, but I'd love to hear any user experiences from the community, both from a Layer 3 Perspective, as well as an Operational Perspective (Working with the businesses themselves). Feel free to contact me off-list and thanks in advance for your time.
[cid:image002.jpg@01CFE2F3.A6F973D0] Jack Stonebraker | Sr. IP Network Engineer (512) 878-5627 |<> Grande Communications Networks 401 Carlson Circle | San Marcos, Texas | 78666