Hardly.  The discussion so far has been weighted very heavily on the
side of Dana Carvey's "Grumpy Old Man"-style whining. "That's the way
it was and we liked it!".

The people that like systemd (like myself) have wisely learned that
the people that hate systemd, hate it mostly because it's different
from what came before and don't want to change.  There's no way to
argue rationally with that.

Incorrect assumption. systemd is a massive security hole waiting to happen and it does not follow the unix philosophy of done 1 thing and do it well/correct. Its basically ignoring 40 years of best practices. Thats why folks that have been there, done that, dont want any part of it. Not because its new, but because its a flawed concept.

You are free to use it, but it would be a poor choice for system that has hopes of being secure.

Jeff Ollie

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