Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Israel G. Lugo <> wrote:
Not intending to start a flame war here.
Bull. If you've been around the FOSS community even for a short
while, you'd know that systemd has become a religious topic akin to
Emacs vs. Vi "discussions" etc. I realize that many of the people
that read the NANOG list also use Linux systems, but that's not what I
come here for.
Please, take the systemd discussions to the mailing lists for your
distribution of choice.
Seems to me, this has been a very rational discussion, confined to one
very identifiable thread, containing what at least this reader finds
very useful (operational impacts of systemd in server-side environments,
and what alternatives people are looking at).
If you're not interested, you have a delete key. Please use it, and
don't turn this into a flame war.
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra