Subject: Re: Linux: concerns over systemd adoption and Debian's decision to 
switch Date: Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 01:44:17PM -0700 Quoting Eric 
Brunner-Williams (
> >systemd is insanity.
> see also smit.

        (assumption, we're talking about AIX smit here) 

smit is transparent, comprehensible and automatable, not to mention
bypass-able. My wife, who is running an impressive AIX farm at her place
of work, tells me that (and I've done it myself) F4 is the key to escape.

systemd is hellspawn crap compared to this. I'm really concerned
because I run complicated process control software on Linux and this
software is shipped by Vendors who believe in "if there is a support
contract for the OS, all is well" fairy tales. This leaves you having
to buy DeadRat licenses, unless you can convince them that Centos is
functionally equivalent.

Time to ask for BSD ports, I think. Linux will be unusable very soon. 
Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
WHOA!!  Ken and Barbie are having TOO MUCH FUN!!  It must be the

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