Thanks, I am so happy I now understand what an ASN and BGP are. I had no

Fuck it, we don't need BGP anywhere. Everyone go static!

Back to the binge drinking now as I started when I first started reading
this thread...


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Brett Glass <> wrote:

> Mike:
> An ASN is, literally, just a number. One that's used by a very awkward and
> primitive routing system that requires constant babysitting and tweaking
> and, after lo these many years, still doesn't deliver the security or
> robustness it should. Obtaining this token number (and a bunch of IP
> addresses which is no different, qualitatively, from what I already have)
> would be a large expense that would not produce any additional value for my
> customers but could force me to raise their fees -- something which I
> absolutely do not want to do.
> Perhaps it's best to think of it this way: I'm outsourcing some backbone
> routing functions to my upstreams, which (generously) aren't charging me
> anything extra to do it. In my opinion, that's a good business move.
> As for "peering:" the definition is pretty well established. ISPs do it;
> content providers at the edge do not.
> Netflix is fighting a war of semantics and politics with ISPs. It is
> trying to cling to every least penny it receives and spend none of it on
> the resources it consumes or on making its delivery of content more
> efficient. We have been in conversations with it in which we've asked only
> for it to be equitable and pay us the same amount per customer as it pays
> other ISPs, such as Comcast (since, after all, they should be just as
> valuable to it). It has refused to do even that much. That's why talks
> have, for the moment, broken down and we are looking at other solutions.
> --Brett Glass
> At 09:58 PM 7/14/2014, Mike Lyon wrote:
>  So we are splitting hairs with what "peering" means? And I am sure
>> Netflix (or any other content / network / CDN provider) would be more than
>> happy to statically route to you? Doubtful.
>> Dude, put your big boy pants on, get an ASN, get some IP space, Â I am a
>> smaller ISP than you I am sure and I have both. It's not rocket science.
>> How are other networks suppose to take you seriously if you don't have an
>> ASN?
>> -Mike

Mike Lyon

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