On Jul 14, 2014, at 9:47 PM, Matthew Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> wrote:

> Oh, yes; totally agreed.  It's a one-way relationship
> in my mind; it's nigh-on impossible to be a competitive
> ISP without an ASN; but in no way shape or form does
> having an ASN make you an ISP.

I think here is where you are wrong.  There are many people out there that have 
cobbled together ISPs and have appliances that will load balance or do failover 
with multiple DSL or hybrid DSL/Cable/T1 solutions.

I do understand the line you have drawn, but some of these people compete 
against the largest companies in the world and win business because of their 
uptime and support.  I wish they wouldn’t be doing “CGN” or CGN-lite type 
things but it happens and they don’t need an ASN to be competitive.  And having 
an ASN would drive their costs up significantly.  $500 in fees from ARIN 
represents a large number of subscribers profit.

- Jared

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