On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

> > We've never been asked to POP that location.
> what location?  i gobbled and found the rocky mtn ix, but it seems to be
> in coresite and defunct.  there is some "any2" exchange claiming to be
> the second largest on the left coast, which is a crock.
> is there actually a significant local exchange in the denver area, and
> not some marketing department with an mpls tunnel?  i am having a hard
> time finding it, web site, traffic, ts&cs, ...  you know, like
> <https://www.seattleix.net/>, the dinky 250g one up in seattle to which
> i am used.

It's now called "Any2 Denver":


We're on it, and it's finally doing enough traffic
to warrant a 10G port now.   But you're right,
it's nowhere in the same league as its bigger

Annoyingly enough, I can't find a street
address for it anywhere among their literature.  :(

> > Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution.
> welcome to nanog.  the list is a test of one's ability to find the
> substance amidst the flack, this oft-repeated discussion being notable.
> i wonder what we get if we pass the test.

Awww...I got a rock.   :(

> randy
(with apologies to Charles Schultz)

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