On Jul 1, 2014, at 7:03 AM, Skeeve Stevens 
<skeeve+na...@eintellegonetworks.com> wrote:

> Roland, what methods are the easiest/cheapest way to deal with this?  

Ensure you have visibility into your traffic southbound of the NAT - flow 
telemetry generally works best for this, and there are plenty of open-source 
solutions around which allow folks to get up and running quickly.

Then deploy either S/RTBH or flowspec on the aggregation routers southbound of 
the NAT.  This makes is easy to squelch compromised/abusive hosts.

It might also be worth considering sticking some Web proxies (transparent ones 
clustered via WCCPv2, if available) southbound of the NAT, as well; while the 
bandwidth savings may be a wash due to dynamic content, SSL, etc. (all highly 
variable based upon user behavior), TCP sessions for Web requests from hosts 
southbound of the NAT will terminate on the proxies, which provide a good point 
to perform filtering on an as-needed basis.

Roland Dobbins <rdobb...@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com>

                   Equo ne credite, Teucri.

                          -- Laocoön

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