FYI He tells everyone they¹re cute. Don¹t buy his tricks, he doesn¹t call
back the next morning.


Ps. Take it easy on each other. It¹s the beginning of spring.. Head
outside.. Go have a beer.. Smoke a joint.. What I am getting at is.. It¹s
possible you guys should relax and realize that in the grand scheme of
things a lot of this really doesn¹t matter.

Go be humans beings in the world, the internet and this flame thread will
still be here as it has been for generations (internet generations,

Just my .02


On 3/24/14, 4:53 PM, "Randy Bush" <> wrote:

>>>> You propose stateless NAT64 as an viable alternative to CGN.
>    ^^^
>>> where do i do that?
>> Nick Hilliard
>ahh.  i see your error.  i am not nick hilliard.  he's the cute one.
>> Your reply (verbosity added for clarity): "[Sure it is! Unlike where
>> folks solve their problem with CGN, v6 to v4 protocol translation] can
>> be stateless."
>again, you put words in my mouth which were not there.  i did not say v6
>to v4 translation.
>> Nah, I'm done following bread crumbs for the day.
>cool.  then we can all go back to reality and whet people actually said.

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