He is definitely in the authoritative hands :)


-----Original Message-----
From: John Curran [mailto:jcur...@arin.net] 
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:16 PM
To: Naslund, Steve
Cc: Randy Bush; North American Network Operators' Group
Subject: Re: arin representation

Steve -

    Thanks for the reminder;  terminology aside, I think we have 
    a good understanding of Randy's request for statistics.

We'll put these together asap.

> On Mar 24, 2014, at 11:58 AM, "Naslund, Steve" <snasl...@medline.com> wrote:
> Sorry Randy,
> I was not trying to criticize your terminology.  I was just wondering about 
> the question trying to be answered here.  The holder of an address space and 
> the end user of the address space are two really different things.  The 
> holder is often an ARIN member or grandfathered in and an end user (including 
> most ISP customers) are not going to be ARIN members.  I know that you and 
> most of the other on here know that they are not "owners" of the space.  I 
> was just trying to figure out if your term "owner" refers to the holder of 
> the space or the user of the space.  Not trying to make a political statement.
> I apologize if I gave you the impression that I disapproved of your question.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Bush [mailto:ra...@psg.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:52 PM
> To: Naslund, Steve
> Cc: John Curran; North American Network Operators' Group
> Subject: Re: arin representation
>> I think the term "owned" is a problem here.
> sorry not to get your religious icons correctly.  full refund below.
> jeezus!  get a life.
> randy

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