On 11/27/2012 01:07 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
On 2012-11-27 20:21, mike wrote:
This is a point that is probably more significant than is
appreciated. If the app, IT, and networking ecosystem don't even have
access to ipv6 to play around with, you can be guaranteed that they
are going to be hesitant about lighting v6 up in real life.
I cannot be saf for the people who claim to be programmers who do things
with networking and who do not care to follow the heavy hints that they
have been getting for at least the last 10 years that their applications
need to start supporting IPv6. Especially as APIs like getaddrinfo()
make it really easy to do so.

I think you vastly overestimate that developers will a) know about
v6 and b) care even if they do if it's not affecting them. Asking mortals
to understand tunnel brokers -- even developer mortals -- just isn't going
to happen. If we want the small percentage of apps that break with v6
to be fixed, it needs to a) show up as a bug report from enough people
to matter and b) need to be testable by your average developer.

This chicken and egg problem can really only be solved by ISP's, IMO.


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