On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:53:52 -0700, Joel jaeggli said:
> On 6/17/12 10:24 , valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:

> > So - who owns 2800:af:ba30:e8cf:4881:973a:c68?  And how does an LEO
> > find that info quickly if they need to figure out who to hand a warrant to?
> so first of you introduced a typo

Aha. Somebody's paying attention :)  That's exactly the sort of thing you'll end
up seeing a lot more of if you have to start chasing through 2 and 3 hops
of provider-customer-subcustomer.  It's easy to notice that an IPv4 address
is missing an octet - a lot harder to tell you have 7 chunks rather than 8,
plus you're left wondering whether you dropped 16 bits, or if one of the :
should be a :: instead.

But Joel - you *really* need to get out more. ;)

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