
Thanks a lot for all your inputs and feedback.
My goal is to peer with a lot of networks especially ISPs. We are mainly a content provider. Tlex and Equinix seem to be the obvioius choice for a neutral colocation facility. According to your experience, between 60 Hudson and 111 8th Avenue, which one I should choose?

Best regards,

Abdelkader Chikh Daho
Network Architect
iWeb Technologies
Email : achikhd...@iweb.com
Web : www.iweb.com
Tel : 514-286-4242 ext 2309

On 19/04/2012 11:01 AM, Abdelkader Chikh Daho wrote:
Hi everyone,

Can some one please tell us what is the best Colo in New york to set up a POP (one cabinet) in order to get bandwidth, peering (NIIX, etc).

Best regards,

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