The Telehouse 25 Broadway facility (last I heard) is currently planned to be 
shut down by somewhere around June 2013 if I remember correctly... so you'll 
want to keep that in mind. They have plenty of other options including a new 
facility and other existing ones as well as other colo providers in the area 
(Equinix, Telx, etc.). There are lots of choices. "Best" is relative to your 
specific requirements which is why there is competition. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Pierce Lynch [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 11:22 AM
To: Abdelkader Chikh Daho
Subject: RE: Colocation in New York for a POP


I have had good experiences with TeleHouse America and their 25 Broadway 
facility, with some solid peering options - although being central New York, 
co-location can be a little more expensive there. As an alternative, they have 
an impressive facility in Staten Island, NY which I understand can accommodate 
for smaller requirements as well.

Hope that helps...

Kind regards,

From: Abdelkader Chikh Daho []
Sent: 19 April 2012 16:01
Subject: Colocation in New York for a POP

Hi everyone,

Can some one please tell us what is the best Colo in New york to set up
a POP (one cabinet) in order to get bandwidth, peering (NIIX, etc).

Best regards,

Abdelkader Chikh Daho
Network Architect
iWeb Technologies
Email :
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Tel : 514-286-4242 ext 2309

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